Settle lets you pre-order food and dine at restaurants without waiting

Settle is a food pre-ordering and table-booking app. With Settle you can pre-order breakfast and lunch at restaurants so that your food is ready when you arrive. You dine 60% faster as you skip waiting for your table, food and check. Settle makes lunch your best time of the day by giving you delicious meals and more time for a real break.

Founded by Stas Matviyenko and Anna Polishchuk who had been working together for 3 years, Settle was started as a payments app. However, the founders then “realised that people don’t have a problem to pay at restaurants with cash and payment cards”. They “decided to solve a real problem — waiting for table and food at restaurants.”

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“Unlike pick-up apps (Square, Starbucks) and booking only apps (OpenTable, Reserve), we focus on dine-in option at lunch spots.” says Stas, who is also the CEO. Settle has a very dedicated team with over 3 years of experience in Hotel, Restaurant and Catering companies.

Settle arrived in San Francisco this January. Now it’s gaining ground and working out its first restaurant partnerships. “We will launch Settle with 20 popular restaurants (our partners) that have no less than 4 stars on Yelp and a part of them didn’t have a chance to take reservations before.” says Stas. There are also plans of partnering with 500 restaurants in 1 year as well as starting its operations in New York city.

“We aim to be the #1 food app for busy people, an all-in-one solution that gets you food and table and pays your check at restaurants.” says Stas. He adds, “We focus on popular restaurants in busy areas with breakfast and lunch menus. We offer companies and teams group lunch pre-ordering at restaurants near their offices.”

On monetization plans, Stas tells us that in Ukraine, Settle currently takes 15-20% commission from restaurants. In the USA, it uses this model –
– a small commission for restaurant during off-peak hours (free during peak hours)
– a small fee for users during peak hours (free during off-peak hours).

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