Kittens waiting to correct your English on ChattingCat

ChattingCat brings the ultimate solution for sinful errors in English, in the corporate world.It  connects a non-native speaker, who wants to write better English to a English speaker, who wants to help them. Non-native speakers get instantaneous refinement on their write ups. ChattingCat makes painkillers for professionals who are highly educated and eager to learn, waste a lot of time in rewriting hence it eventually amplifies their work productivity by getting instant feedback.


Introducing the Co-founders
The CEO of ChattingCat, April also manages the marketing. She holds a degree of design from Yonsei University and an MBA degree from Kellogg School of Management.
Geunbae Lee is the CTO for the service. He is a full stack developer with various gaming industry experience.

John Neeley also holds previous venture experiences with fundraising, negotiating, and exiting. He holds an MBA from Michigan.

The Thought-Provoking Idea

“I was a marketer colleagues could forgive me when I made mistakes in emails, but customers’ comtemplated me as unprofessional . So, I hired a English speaking tutor. Whenever I emailed him my English, he quickly replied with corrected version”. The instant corrections increased email productivity and April Kim thought it was the best way to learn from mistakes and what if everybody get instant corrections?

Incorrect writing text sent in and corrected writing text received. This is how ChattingCat was evolved!

ChattingCat was started in the US. As a foreign-born marketer and a woman, April found it challenging to find team members especially finding a developer. What kept me going was my passion for the business idea, and also the support of loyal ChattingCat customers.ChattingCat changes the way people learn to write foreign language and enables them to confidently write English for professional communication. ChattingCat brings immaculate innovation, in the form of a low-cost high-quality English writing services, to both the language education and professional language service market.

Problems faced by Professionals
Non-native English speakers spend a lot of time learning English. But when these people write in English, they waste a lot of time editing and wondering how to make their writing sound “like a native speaker.”
• Professionals write in English as part of their work, but waste a lot of time rewriting to avoid mistakes.
• Students need more practice and interactive feedback to prepare for standardized writing tests and school assignments. However, while demand for written English correction has increased, the number of English teachers who can provide adequate, time-sensitive corrections remains limited.
• Casual users want to use social media to connect with English-speaking friends, but they hesitate to communicate with others in fear of making mistakes.
How is it helpful ?
Well, ChattingCat enables non-native English speakers to get instant correction of their writing. Non-natives type in English sentences (up to 700 characters) on their smart phones or PCs, and native English speakers instantly correct the sentences for grammar, word choice, style, etc.

(1) Increase work productivity for professionals
(2) Efficiently learn correct English usage
(3) Encourage people to connect to other (lose fear, save time, reduce stress)

Competitors and Comparisons

1)Grammarly and WhiteSmoke – ChattingCat is better in quality as correction is made by human, not machine.
2) Traditional proofreading services (Small, fragmented competitors with only two to three native speakers.) – ChattingCat is faster and inexpensive as we have tutors from Crowdsourcing.
3) Crowdsourced translation companies (i.g. Gengo) – We are not competing with them directly as we are not a translation company but an interactive correction companies.

A Step Ahead

As the CEO is from Korea, presently Chattingcat targeting Korea as the test-bed, The plan is to grow ChattingCat 20 times bigger here (100k/month). Then, expand its market to Japan and the US. The advertisement for the rest of the world will is planing in 2016, and a correction service in other languages will also be launched soon. The growth expectation is up to $1M/month revenue by 2017.

The Monetizing Skill

When a non-native English speaker “Student” pays $10 an amount of $5 paid to a native speaker “Tutor” who gives a correction.

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