DailySmile is your Anonymous diary, but a public one.

Ever felt like just talking to someone without them interrupting you or judging you? Pedro Pinto, founder of DailySmile is at your rescue. DailySmile is an anonymous forum, more like a diary for people to share whatever they are feeling without having to worry about your identity.

Piedro Pinto, founder of DailySmile, was born and brought up in Elvas, Portugal. He studied Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations in Lisbon and worked at Banco Popular in the Marketing Department. Three years into the job, Pinto realised that working in a bank wasn’t his cup of tea and hence applied for a Post Graduation in Foresight, Strategy and Innovation. “This course completely opened my mind and made me realize that what I really wanted to do in my career was to build useful products,” said Pinto.


He followed the tech world closely and observed that small teams could create products quickly and found their use in people’s lives in a matter of hours or days-something that is almost impossible to achieve in reality, believed Pinto. This fascination of the virtual world made him want to try it too. For Pinto, it didn’t end there, since his education and work experience wasn’t related to web development, he found it necessary to find a technical partner. With great difficulty and more downs than ups, he found himself having three unfinished projects at hand. Pinto added, “Giving up wasn’t an option, therefore I decided to build my ideas myself. I started consuming everything related to Web Development,Product Design and Product Management. Of course it took a while and I knew that some of my ideas would lose the time to market, but at least I would learn some valuable and tangible skills during the process of creating something.”

In the month of December, Pinto launched DailySmile that is accessible by general public. “Essentially DailySmile is an anonymous diary. Where users can share with the world how was their day without worrying about their identity, speak about their feelings, their daily concerns, their deepest fears and desires, speak about anything they want,” said Pinto. He also added that at DailySmile, one has to select a smiley that represents one’s mood and just write about it.

When asked how he arrived at this idea of expressing oneself without revealing their identity, Pinto said, “Nowadays there is so much pressure to look perfect in social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram so I felt that there’s space in the market to build a platform where the people can be honest and real.”

For, Pinto the biggest hurdle is to get the first 100-1000 users. He’s trying to create a safe place where people can speak about their day, their problems, desires, fears, etc. He believes that the only way people can be honest is when they’re anonymous; His approach is to build something really simple even for his grandma to use. When asked about his biggest competitors, Pinto said,“Anonymous apps like Whisper and Secret, beside the concept between DailySmile and them it’s different they can be considered competitors because are platforms where people can talk without worrying about their identity.”

Pedro Pinto’s goal is for DailySmile to become the barometer of happiness. “Now my main goal is to grow the community and only after that I’m going to start monetizing DailySmile without breaking the user experience,” said Pinto.

So here’s calling out to all people who love to share their experiences to the world, DailySmile is waiting just for you!

To know more, do check out: http://dailysmile.co

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