Make Your Twitter Less Messy With Driplr!

Don’t we all love what Twitter has to offer. It is after all one of the most powerful social networking sites on the planet. But the one thing that really puts many people on edge is the mess they see on their timeline the minute they login. Well the good news is you no longer have to deal with this mess.

All you Twitter lovers, we introduce you to Driplr! It is this new app in town that is on a mission to provide you with a cleaner Twitter experience. With it you will never miss a tweet that deserves you attention.

Make Your Twitter Less Messy With Driplr!

Meet The Genius Behind It All!

Driplr is the proud brainchild of Luca Mauri who is a seasoned software developer that loves to build digital products. His previous entrepreneurial experience includes developing and co-founding another app called MykArt.

“I’ve developed Driplr because firstly I did need it. I wanted a way to read only the tweets I need and discard the most I do not need.”, says Luca.

Know More About The App!

Driplr is all about making Twitter less of a mess. With this app you can easily stay in touch with the tweets that you care most. It is here to offer you a new and innovative way to stay up to date with your Twitter timeline.

On The Hurdles Faced, Contenders & More!

Like most startups, getting the word out about the product in the market and increasing the user base was the biggest challenge faced by Luca. Further in terms of competition, tweetbot and many such apps do pose as potential contenders to Driplr.

This app is mainly targeted towards Twitter users. Also, when asked about expansion plans, Luca wants to work towards launching the android and wphone app.

In addition, when it comes down to monetizing model the app is free with an in app advertising that can be removed by making an in app purchase.

So what are you waiting for? In order to have a clean Twitter experience, do download this app now!!

To know more about the app, do make it a point to visit:

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