Fleetfit Brings The Gym Right At Your Doorstep!

It is soon going to be that time of the year where we make our New Year’s resolutions. For most of us, fitness seems to be on top of our resolution list. However, the question is how many of us actually work towards it? Irrespective of understanding the importance of a healthy and a fit lifestyle, we still seemed to be holding on to that couch with our dear life. Well it’s time to let go of this lazy habit.

Apart from just slacking off, the blame also goes to our busy lifestyle. Sometimes we just do not find the time to hit the gym.Well do not worry as we come bearing good news! To solve this very hindrance in your fitness goal there is an app in town called Fleetfit. This awesome app brings the gym to the place and time convenient to you. With it you can now work out in the comfort of your living room, your office, or wherever works best for you.

In all honestly, you deserve great fitness and Fleetfit is your answer. The mission of this app is to promote happier and healthier lifestyles by providing the motivation, convenience, and trust that you are seeking.

Fleetfit fitness at home gym

Meet the Team That Runs The Show!

Zoe Schagrin is the founder and CEO of Fleetfit. She has extensive product experience and was most recently a Senior Product Manager at Amazon. Before joining Amazon, she was a Senior Associate with Infosys Consulting. Zoe earned her MBA from MIT Sloan and BA from University of Pennsylvania.

She is also joined by a technical lead, who is currently a Software Development Manager at Amazon. He has over 8 years of experience developing new technologies and in managing technical teams. Arman Borros has also recently joined the team as their lead trainer. Arman is a personal trainer with a Masters in Exercise Science and has over 7 years of experience training clients, launching new fitness facilities, and both hiring and vetting trainers.

In addition, the start-up also has a rockstar group of personal trainers and yoga instructors in the Seattle area. These instructors have dedicated their lives to improving the health and well-being of others, and they are excited to be part of a new model.

Know More About Fleetfit

This app offers people an impressive platform to find, book, and pay for high-quality fitness providers. Fleetfit is aimed at making fitness convenient by sending a fleet of expert providers directly to the customers at the time and place most fitting with them.

All personal trainers and yoga instructors are fully vetted. They not only bring serious fitness credentials to the service but are also dynamic individuals who make clients feel comfortable. The goal of the team is to delight customers by making the luxury of having a personal trainer accessible.

What Problem is Fleetfit Solving?

The number of health trackers and devices, boutique gyms and studios, and weight loss solutions has rapidly expanded in the past decade. In spite of all this still more than 1/3 of American adults remain obese according to the CDC.

“We love the fact that consumers have access to more data than ever before, from both a nutritional standpoint as well as an individual activity and performance standpoint. However, the reality is that for most of us, the couch looks pretty enticing at the end of the day.” says Zoe.

Fleetfit is here to close this very fitness feedback loop by providing a real person to hold the clients accountable, not only to their Tuesday morning session but, more importantly, to their overall fitness goals. By making it incredibly easy to sign-up and pay for a session, as well as to do a workout almost anywhere, this app is simplifying the experience of finding a personal trainer and removing distractions so that the customers can focus on the workout. As an added benefit, by removing the gym from the equation it substantially reduces the cost of personal training while also increasing the convenience to the customer. Basically it’s a win-win situation for the users of Fleetfit.

What Inspired It All?

“I’m a classic working professional – I’m busy, I can’t resist the snacks that are all over the office, and my weight fluctuates. Intellectually, I know the importance of staying active. However, I still struggle to find the time and motivation to get to the gym. I also have back issues, so not all of the group classes work for me. I realized that if there were an easy way to find a trainer to come to my house on my schedule, it would address a lot of my pain points.

I therefore started researching the personal training industry and quickly realized that it was broken. Finding trainers is typically accomplished through word of mouth, or via other options such as Craigslist or Yelp, that are difficult to navigate. There’s also no easy way to figure out which trainers are good and can suit your individual needs. Furthermore, gyms are taking 50% margins, and trainers are desperately trying to increase their client base. The industry just doesn’t make sense”, says Zoe.

On Challenges Faced & Competitors

For Zoe, launching a start-up was an incredibly hard process. Unlike most, she has had the privilege to find some amazing mentors along the way that have helped her immensely. However, the biggest hurdle has been building a strong team as she firmly believes that a strong collaboration is incredibly important for better results.

In terms of competitions, the team considers traditional gyms offering personal training services and individual providers as their potential competitors. Also, the team thinks of Classpass and Fitmob as complimentary services, rather than competitors. They promote the same behavioral shift of bringing customers outside of the gym and it’s a great way for people to try new things. There are also several online streaming personal training services that offer a different user experience but provide some of the same ongoing coaching support.

On Expansion Plans, Target Audience & More

“We have so many things that we want to accomplish this year and with an existing personal training market size of $10 billion, the sky is the limit. We have a long way to go with the product, so we expect big changes. The goal is to expand outside of Seattle, when the time is right. Also, at the moment we take a revenue share for sessions booked through Fleetfit”, says Zoe.

Fleetfit was mainly launched to target fitness enthusiasts who value convenience and need some help getting to that next level of health commitment. Presently, this app is available only to customers in the Seattle area.

Wait wait! We are not done yet. The team of Fleetfit was kind enough to leave our readers from Seattle with some Christmas goodies. For the first 100 customers, you can now avail a 25% off on their services.

To know more about this kick-ass app, do visit: www.getfleetfit.com

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