Hoist Claims To Be The Integration Model For Developers!

The San Francisco based product, Hoist is just touching the shores of web development market. The developers working at product or service companies are hunting for the integration edges. Hoist is end of the search!

Hoist is an integration platform. It’s a new part of the development stack that removes the polling, syncing and matching data between services into a separate, hosted layer.

With Hoist, the lucky developers have the peace of mind, that the logic they build to sync one customers data into another system or back again, will work once they hit 1000 customers. And even better, it stops product companies from having to send their users to third party services just to get services working together.

Makings Of Hoist!

Jamie Wilson, Owen Evans and Andrew Butel are the co-founders of Hoist. Andrew and Jamie built over 10 SaaS applications, which have all been integrated into other services. Owen was working as Chief Architect at Xero.com before joining Hoist.

“We wanted to build something that solved our own problems and that would be beneficial to other product and services companies.”

The product developers are trying to make data accessible. The biggest churn factors for products are, it doesn’t integrate properly with system X or Y that they were already using.

But building the integrations inline into your code creates all kinds of mess, and subsequent integrations get even harder. The founder started to look at ideas in house that would alleviate the pains of simple and complex integrations.

Hoist is a new way of working. Most developers build their integrations inline into their products and face the scaling pains when it’s too late to fix it. Showing developers that there is a better way before they hit the pain point is a hard task.


The Oomph Factors!

Hoist urges on solving the problem face by the start-ups while integrating the services. Scalability is one of its strongest virtues. The visibility over internals complications like why did a sync fail? What URLs are being called? How long does an auth token have before it expires? divulges the use of it.

Moreover, different APIs tend to work differently, so Hoist provides a common interface to conquer all the interfaces. The Polling of APIs takes resources, but Hoist does that for you and notifies you only the bits you need to know.

Hoist enables developers to do integration. Yet, it is facing competition by consumer level data matching services such as IFFFT and Zapier. The difference is they do not work for a SaaS product. But, by becoming a hub for integrations for services it has all the power to make those flows simpler and more effective for developers.

Behind the scenes pairing of data and avoiding OAuth where both data sources have integrated with Hoist is a possibility that excites the developers!

 Pricing The Product

It charges by ‘executor’ or server that runs the integrations. The Shared executors price starts at $49 a month and dedicated executors price starts at $99 a month. To find more about customised features on charges click here

Startup Dope readers, to get free one-on one coding session, drop a mail at jamie@hoist.io. And yes don’t forget to mention Startup Dope!

To know more, checkout the website: http://hoist.io/

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