Intel IoT Platform for Internet of Things

The ‘Internet of Things’ is the new slogan recited by most big sounding tech companies. In late 90’s the invention of internet had revolutionized the world half the way. Now the Internet of Things is striving towards a smatter planet! The IoT technology has the latent to bond everything that exists on the face of the earth. These object converse with each other to exchange required data and then use this data to control the functionalities.

The underpinning of IoT is expected to accelerate into the market by 2020. The Internet of Things is certainly a promising and enormous concept that can scale up the productivity of everything, as part of IoT. While people are perplexed with the flamboyance of Internet of Things, the Intel team has put its step forward to embark on the groundwork.  The talented heads have integrated a skillful platform called Intel Edison to embed the object using the device reference model.



The devices are mounted with sensors that signal the information. Apart from the devices, the platform also infuses gateway, cloud management and data analytics into the system to make the interaction more competent.  The gateways are installed for the hardware and software validation. The information is direct to the data centre where it is stored, processed and cloud analytics are performed on the data fetched by the connected devices. Analytics and APIs automate the operation and create services.

The prospects of using Intel IoT platform for IoT development can be rewarding for the developers.  The interface is well fabricated with Wind River Edge Management System, cloud-based software to manage IoT device data, consistent connectivity, and end-to-end security.

The Intel’s cloud analytics software supports the IoT Developer Kits and McAfee’s Enhanced Security for Intel IoT Gateways, which gains Enhanced Privacy Identity security technology to other vendors. The platform gives the developer an entrée into the Intel API and Traffic Management service to formulate data APIs, related to IoT devices.

IoT can be the core technical ingredient in the makings of  “Smart City” looming out with sensor-enabled devices and other data. This opens up the scope for embellishing sanitation services, tourism, traffic management, building services, air quality monitoring, subway operations, and disaster management.

The customers have also upgraded the use of technology and demand for smarter gadgets that is sensor-driven and data-driven. Fitness trackers like FitBit and Nike+ Fuelband, home thermostat and smoke/CO alarms like Nest, car trackers and home lighting systems like Phillips Hue are few ruling technologies that use sensors to great extent. The sensors in the smartphone and API of social networks mostly influence these applications. Recently Foursquare featured location-tracker traits that are driven by masses of data and combine predictive data analysis. This is due to the use of sensors that provide accurate results.

Intel is quite positive of the IoT future; hence, it has set up a separate IoT group, the Industrial Internet Consortium. This community prioritizes the connectivity of industrial machinery. Cisco, GE, and IBM are the other founding members of Industrial Internet Consortium. As per the prediction of Intel, the IoT devices will talk to one another but it may take a while to see IOT come alive in that scale!

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