Kidster creates a mobile-only marketplace for kids’ stuff

Anyone who has had children can relate to their offspring either outgrowing or needing new stuff – and this causes parents to spend time and money on getting things that will not see any long-term use.  Kidster is a mobile-only marketplace for parents to buy and sell kids stuff. Parents can buy new from emerging local and global designers for kids or use smart deals on pre-owned from like-minded parents. They can sell outgrown by simply taking a picture. Parents can filter, find, discover, follow, share, chat directly to potential buyers and get paid instantly. Kidster is a solution for parents to save money, save space and save time. Kidster helps the planet by providing a way to recycle and reuse instead of sending used to landfills.


In November 2014 both of the founders – Marija Janjusevic and Ana Pajkovic – decided to attend the startup academy in Belgrade ( ) and listen to successful startup examples from their region, after being inspired by the effect that technology plays. As they are both mothers and entrepreneurs themselves, it was a natural step to use technology to solve those problems that first-time mothers tend to have: the constant need to buy stuff, and an equally constant need to find outgrown kids stuff a new home, the time allocation required for all of this, and of course finding the best values since a significant amount of the family budget must be allocated to kids’ stuff.

Kidster competes with two existing kids’ stuff mobile marketplaces, very general resale sites (It offers focus on important- kids), off line second hand shops (Kidster offers the convenience of selling and shopping on the go for busy mums and dads), on line e-commerce sites (filtering within the Kidster app saves time and effort for busy parents)

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