Play your jitters out with Paperchase

For me, gaming has been a passage for escaping into an enthralling and enchanting world far beyond stress giving, adrenal rush . The co-founders Josiah Davis, Brian Davis and Caleb Davis have brought to you Paperchase- a level based flying game where you cruise through different environments. The goal of the game is to stop your evil power hungry uncle from obtaining the great wolf spirit.


The Idea that Persuade Them

While at Jamba Juice, one afternoon, Brian’s dad said, “Hey Josiah, you play so many video games. I dare to think of a game yourself and make it.”
Being the man that he is, he accepted the challenge and after  long brainstorming sessions and a flatbread evolved Paperchase.

Initially, the idea was to make a game involving a paper airplane and once the story was outlined working model was a cake walk.

The Inspiring Challenges

The biggest challenge was making  imagination turn real. Some of the ideas were too over-sized to bring down to paper and it had to be condensed in order to make it feasible.

“We are solving the problem of multi-platform games by making a game that can be compatible on Android, Apple, Windows, Xbox, Playstation and even wii.”

Competitors on the Way

As any other app, Paperchase is constantly competing with the other apps. An app must be extraordinary and addictive in order to survive. Especially in the Apple App store.

Mile Stones to Cover

To build a search engine of curated tags. Just as Google image search curated by ‘Quora’ ,the community.


The app is for adults and teens passionate about gaming, in iPhones.


The app is free. The main idea is having game currency that allows the players to pay to have fun. The users can also earn the currency through game-play, yet it is faster and easier to pay for it.



I don’t know about you, but I can feel my goosebumps, playing Paperchase.

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