Trialfire Brings To You Code-Free Analytics Service!

Present day marketing tools at the most tracks the number of people who have viewed your app or site. To know more specifics, you have to deal with irritatingly complicated codes and this in-turn leads to complete dependency on developers that at times bottlenecks your growth.

If you are someone, who wants to get rid of this problem and wants to know more about what folks are doing on your website or app, then Trialfire is your best possible solution. This online application allows you to get valuable insight that you can use to grow your business. With it you no longer need data analysts and technical support to track something on your site or app.

Trialfire Brings To You Code-Free Analytics Service!

Meet The Power Duo Behind It All!

Trialfire was conceptualized and co-founded by Michael Lieberman and Max Kremer. They are seasoned entrepreneurs who sold their previous company, Autdesk in 2011 and left in mid-2013 to start Trialfire.

Know The App Up Close & Personal!

Trialfire lets you integrate your marketing and analytics tools into your website without having to write fancy codes. This gives companies real-time control over what to track on their websites, and which services to send the data to.

This online application is really simple to use. Once you add your site to Trailfire you will be able to launch it in pinmode. In this mode you simply click on the things you want to track and Trialfire does all the work. Plus you can see what you are tracking like a GPS right on your website. Now with this web app say goodbye to complicated codes and stay independent of development agencies.

So sit back, relax and see what people are actually doing on your site or app other than just a count of page views. This valuable insight will surely help you make great decisions.

Events That Lead to Trialfire!

We built enterprise software for many years. When we wanted to understand our customers use of our system there was always a bottleneck, marketing and product management needed developers to integrate analytics and marketing tools. We wanted to remove this obstacle and let companies not only run reports in real-time, but control what they want to track in real-time”, says the team.

The Road Blocks & Competitors!

After an exit from their last startup, and some time at a large enterprise, the team needed to relearn how to operate as a lean startup. They also had to look closely at whether they were solving a problem that they had, or was common. The team had to take a step back from just building out awesome technology and look at the product/market fit in a way that they hadn’t done for a long time.

In terms of competition,, and tag managers like Tealium and Ensighten pose as potential competitors. These sites help in collecting data and sending it to various connected services. However, unlike Trailfire, users using such sites still have to write codes.

On The Journey Ahead, Target Audience & More

The team is on a mission to add many more connectors to which they can send the data Trialfire collects. Also, at the moment, this web app is mainly targeting an audience that includes digital marketers, website dev shops or consultants and SaaS Apps.

Further, in order to sustain an online application, revenue has to be generated. The team does this by charging a monthly fee for the service based on usage.

So quit waiting around! Give Trialfire a try now. To do this and to know more about the app, do visit:

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