Betting Gets So Much Cooler With Wettma!

Betting is chasing your most persuaded instincts. It feels majestic to prove your gut feeling right. However, win or lose bets are capricious. In Australia, Wettma means ‘I bet you’.

Wettma is a fun-betting app with friends. Casual betting are mostly let by gone be by gone. It’s mind-numbing to keep a track of every bet. Let the fun be enjoyable. Wettma can be used to track fun bets, long-term bets and challenges with friends, business colleagues, neighbors and relatives. You earn honor points for every bet and have fun with your friends redeeming won bets.


The Talent Team

Heidelinde Kranzl
Barbara Weidenhöfer
Michael Pröstler
Gregor Mogeritsch

They are a bunch of scrum enthusiasts with proficient programmers and  UX designers, eager to learn and seek the challenges in their  work. They share a universal concern of public safety.

The undivided craze for fun-betting tinkered the idea of  having an exciting and safe platform for betting.

“We found out we bet a lot in the office on business related topics like features aren’t finished within a sprint , the customer finds another never mentioned before requirement, getting the next release or who breaks the build next. We also bet about private stuff that we manage stop smoking” –Barbara, the co-founder.

Why Use Wettma?

I am pretty sure, you are trying to recollect your whimsical moments of betting by now. Forgetting about bets is our virtue! So we needed something to keep a track our bets easily. Wettma will never forget to redeem a bet that you won. You can bet with your friends and family even if they are not on the same location as you are. You will have fun with your friends redeeming bets, it inspires you with a sample ideas in the app. Mind you, it’s a fun app, you don’t bet for money.

The app is super simple ! It lets you create a new bet and challenge your friends. There are other providers offering services for sports bet and live bets. Wettma is different, you know your bet counterparts and you don’t bet  for money.

It’s an android app and an iOS version is expected soon to crash on the Australian markets.

 Monetization Scheme

The idea is to bring in location based advertising that fits to the bet. “We are looking for partners who want to place their little bet items or ads in our App. Pubs/Cafés/Bars/Restaurants/Gyms/Climbing Hall/Cinemas/Car Wash etc are most welcomed”-Barbara, the co-founder.

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