WorkStraight tries to restore order and balance to your worklife


There’s nothing like the beauty in chaos. The sad truth is only a few people see it that way and can really be productive under the whole chaos thing. But we aren’t talking about the few who actually find it productive while having an unorganized workflow. Any work which involves multiple people definitely requires a way to keep track of things to maintain quality and to keep up with deadlines.  WorkStraight, a work management software created by Business Physiks, LLC, helps manage work orders, assign tasks to your team and basically makes everyone accountable for the time spent on each task. You can empower your team to create their own work orders as well. It’s all based on how YOU decide to use the flexible functionality of work orders.


With WorkStraight’s Web-based work order software (Also, it’s mobile-optimized ) you can easily manage project with powerful features that offer granular functions, like tracking an issue that your customer may be facing and offering a speedy solution without wasting time (as you’d know after sales service is more important than gaining new customers), keeping everyone updated on the team with the latest events on the sales, marketing and tech support front. You can even create invoices, accept payments securely for work order created.

With features that let’s you customize the fields of the work orders to projects, support tickets or anything you goes inline with your in-house lingos. and everything’s orchestrated perfectly.  You can even use simple remote integration to allow those you service to submit work orders to you and login to track work order progress in a seperate secure environment. You are not limited in how to use WorkStraight. Joe Tyner tells us that WorkStraight was created for flexibility and to make small businesses do things efficiently all through their early years to a status where they are no longer small anymore.

Though their current competitors are eMaint, DoneDone, Easyworkorder; Founder Joe Tyner says that WorkStraight was built from the perspective of first time users who haven’t used a work management system or found it hard to use other systems that offer overly complex solutions. While WorkStraight has robust features, the customizable software focuses on ease of use, flexibility and simplicity.

Their plans of expansion

“We are self-funded and adhere to the lean startup business model. We are profitable and have been since our second month in operation. Our future plans rely on our core philosophy of giving our customers web-based software tools that make sense and help get work done. WorkStraight was built to be as industry neutral as possible, therefore opening up possibilities to many organizations that are still using slips of paper to manage work, tasks, and people. There is a growth plan: to increase functionality and enhance access to this functionality in an easy to use format. Based on this, mobile platforms are a huge growth area for us. We are also focusing on specific key areas of growth in industrial operations, public facilities, and home services sectors.”, Joe explains.

Currently it has a user base of 8000 small business across industries like property management, public schools, maintenance, construction, and universities that are using it proactively to streamline their work flow and stay efficient.

WorkStraight has been bootstrapping ( self-funded startup) for a year since it’s beginning, operates on a lean business model that allows them to offer their web-based work management software at monthly rates any business can afford, starting at $10/month. They have a no strings attached 30 day free trial before you subscribe to their plan. “No sales people. No scheduling a demo. Sign up and get to work.” Joe Adds.


To sign up for their service and give it a spin, check out:

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