10 Creative Business Ideas and Marketing Plans

There is a famous saying that says, “When you find enjoyment in your work, you will never have to work a day in your life.” So my dear young artists desiring to become successful entrepreneurs, this article’s for you all.

In days of joblessness you might wonder how you could make your creative head put into use but do not exactly know how to make a living out of it, here’s few creative business ideas and internet business marketing techniques which might help!

creative business ideas and marketing plan

  1. Build your own brand new website of parties management:

With every other service being available online, how about a website or an application which designs cute new-born welcoming party, exotic birthdays and romantic anniversaries for their customers. Your marketing plan can include getting linked with several party hall managers, caterers and decorative shop owners so that you can get connected with your customers in no time. An apt platform to showcase your time management skills, energy and flexibility.

  1. An all pet accessories shopping website:

They say love is blind, whether it is for a human or a pet. Discover a virtual paradise for all pet lovers. Sell them uniue and useful goodies for their beloved cats, dogs and other pets. Take small business help from various pet shop owners in the city and conduct a survey for pet owners asking them about the various things they want to buy for their pets which isn’t easily available in local markets to help you in your marketing plan. Example- Fancy dog houses, pets’ manicure and pedicure kits, umbrellas, etc.

  1. Construct an online stage for tutors:

In several parts of the country, students aspire to write competitive exams for engineering, medical, fashion but are pulled back because of no proper coaching. Be a mentor yourself or be an inter-mediator, connecting the students with the correct teachers. Start your own business by distributing your websites’ leaflets around the schools and colleges of the country and wait to get an amusing response from the keen students all over the country!

  1. Sell unusually appealing customized shoes on your own coolest website:

Paint up the old boring uni-colored shoes and customize it by making popular logos of say, Manchester United or a New York Knicks in a corner. This will work as your basic strategy of your marketing plan. Put up nice pictures of these hand painted shoes online and sports lovers would even sell kidneys to grab a pair of these. You never know your when creative business ideas can become the new style statement for hundreds of teenagers.

  1. Startup an Uber facility for tickets:

From musical concert tickets and theater drama to Cricket matches and movie tickets; how about providing your customers these tickets at their door steps. A little contacts here and there and well constructed marketing plan, and you’re ready to get going. Make your own audience of all those people who want to attend an event but do not have the time to go buy the tickets by themselves. Fill in the gap and you can make money easily by working on one on of the most creative business ideas.

  1. Initiate an online bakery and sell hand make cookies and cakes:

Home business ideas like these never fail. Everybody wants a bit of cocoa in their life. Re-innovate your mother’s choco chip cookies recipe and make them popular via internet business marketing techniques. Take good bakery ideas and tips from the bakers of our favorite bakery and form your own baking gang. And remember nothing in this world is sold more than chocolates!

  1. Open up a website which provides baby sitters’ to working parents:

A baby sitter’s hub would be one of the most creative business ideas one can ever come up with. Create a forum for people who want a part time jobs and for parents who want sitters for their babies. Work on the blueprint on your online marketing and offline marketing plan. Print leaflets and distribute it in play schools and huge apartments. Put forward a new helping hand towards the needy parents.

  1. Upload your creative nail art ideas and also sell nail art accessories:

With a large number of teenagers willing to experiment with their looks and appearance, nail art is becoming the new cool among them. Dive in the fashion industry with your own home business ideas. Invent some funky patterns and colour combinations for nail art and tempt the youth to follow your website effortlessly. Flourish your business by proper internet business marketing and soon a huge crowd will be eager to use the accessories you have used to paint nails. And bingo, there you go.

  1. Start your own Uber for repairs:

Several appliances which need regular maintenance and repairs create a huge market for plumbers, electricians, and other types of labors. Design a website where people can find workers from their own neighborhood and locality. From fixing taps to repairing computers, help your customers find the right workers by your creative business ideas.

  1. An online book renting library:

Create a hub for the enthusiastic readers and rent them the novels they wish to read. Mark my words, nobody will not like the idea of renting expensive novels than buying them. You can get your supply of books from various libraries and create a whole new demand for rented books using small business help from libraries and a proper online and offline marketing plan.

So what are you waiting for? Learn about what is a marketing plan and how to develop a marketing plan and start executing these creative business ideas and plan up your marketing strategies.

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