Get Traffic to Your Blog Using Pinterest

Many people know about driving traffic to blogs using the old standbys of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and all that. But how about Pinterest? Let’s explore some ways you can drive traffic to your blog and get readers using that very visual of visual aids: Pinterest.


First off, you can create a blog board, featuring your blog posts. Create a board for each of your blog titles and give it the same name as that title, and of course, name your blog board the same name as your blog, such as “My Etsy Blog” or whatever it is you’ve chosen. How do you do this? Write a blog post, then pin it to your Pinterest board, including a brief summary and a great picture to go with it, plus a link back to your blog.


And about those pictures. Pinterest is the ultimate visual aid to getting traffic to your site, because that’s what a lot of people pin: pictures. It may seem counterintuitive, since you want people to read, but the right picture with the right blog post can engage people more than you might think. For example, Papa Johns has image posting down to a science, putting up images of food to go with the recipes that make up that food. They have, for example, a Pad Thai wrap recipe that they pinned to their board, then linked back to that post on their recipe blog site.


Do the same with your own blog posts, putting up images that reflect best what you say in words, plus that all-important link back to the actual post, and you will have more readers—and Pinterest followers than you started with. Also, another thing to think about is how tall your images are. Statistics on Pinterest say that the longer the image, the more repins it gets. So you might incorporate infographics as well as traditional pictures, for more repins, which may lead to—you guessed it: more readers.


Of course, you’ll want to interact with your followers on Pinterest. You can’t just remain aloof on social media, robotically posting things and let that be the only road to receiving readers to your blog. Answer questions about your blog, post relevant content that helps build you and your blog brand. And just as on Twitter, follow your followers and repin their pins.


After all, if you do, that will likely bring you more inspiring content to post about on your blog, and you’re helping your neighbor’s Pinterest boards and pins mentioned as well. Plus, it’s fun, because you’ll likely get your blog posts repinned, and on it goes. If you’re not sure how to start that, follow Etsy’s lead. They have 90 boards, and even have a “Guest Pins” board, talking about Etsy, it’s a wonderful site if you’re going to purchase from here then you may use coupon code to get discount on your order.


If you want more readers and followers on your blog, these tips and tricks will definitely help you get started, but they are by no means the end of the road. Have fun!
