Game Records brings social networking for gamers

Game Records (GR) is a new social network for gamers. It’s a complete platform which users can join for free, meet other gamers, share game moments, participate in live chat with friends, earn points and hundreds of achievements, set up groups and fan pages, join competitions (GR Fights) and events, socialize like playing a game, challenge friends, and so much more.   The folks behind Game Records are hardcore gamers who have been playing PC and console games for last 16 years. In particular, online games brought the requirement of sharing one’s progress and interesting game moments with other players – and so gamers were using game forum websites (or even Facebook) to share with one another. There are some other social networking websites for gamers, but honestly the Game Records team couldn’t find what they were looking for. And they’d always thought upon an idea about one platform which could collect all video game players – a place where they could do all sorts of game discussions, game guides, screenshots and videos. Of course, such a site should incorporate things such as having its own gamification elements including a leveling system, virtual economy, medals, achievements, and competitions.

Sefa Kuru, Salih Kuru, and Semih Kocak are the three entrepreneurs who believed in Game Records, having invested their precious time and money in it since January 2014. They had been thinking about this project for quite some time, and were waiting for the opportunity to work together. Thus, they started on the idea as soon as the fundamentals behind the project were ready.  As of now, they have completed the Beta version of GR, and now are implementing the modules they’d planned. The site is in public beta, so other users canalso share their ideas to improve the final version of Game Records. Sefah, Salih, and Semih believe that Game Records can be most used Social Network for gamers in future – and they will work very hard to achieve that. The idea of doing something unique and which only belongs to them brought the concept of doing all of the coding and design from scratch to a complete platform. And thus they have had to deal with every single point of the project by themselves. The creation of Game Records was achieved without using any sort of readymade social network script, making the project a challenge – in addition to the amount of time invested in building infrastructure and setting up the right team for the job. Game Records aims to make life easier for gamers – aftere all, people like to share just about everything with others, and social networks are the in-vogue platforms to do this on.  Since gamers are very much active in social media, it makes sense that they would necessitate a social media platform of their own, devoted to gaming – one which they can enjoy and even earn gaming coins for being active.

Game Records competes with other sites like and, which have massive user databases, as well as a few smaller competitors. Sites like and are based on an entirely different concept and thus are not considered as competition.  The transition from beta stage to an operational platform will be a challenge, given that such a site needs to be known in a market in order to be successful – gamers need to know about Game Records in order to try it.  To achieve this, the founders wish to shift their office to California to be closer to the “center of the internet world”, and of course investors are always welcome.  So, if they can move the project to the US and manage to get financial support, the team believes that their project can reach a massive audience.

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