Ever came across a moment when you wanted to swap seats on a plane because you are not comfortable? Usually it’s impossible to swap your seats once booked but with the help of Seateroo app, one can swap them without much confusion. So if you hate your seat then all you have to do is pay someone else to swap their seats with you, this is a very simple process and does not take too much of your time in trying to figure out how to go about the entire process.
Brad Pursel, a 44-year-old financial analyst came up with this brilliant idea to help people out and in turn also provide valuable service to the airline industry. Brad has provided valuable service to many start-ups and publicly traded companies since 1997. Seateroo will be launched in December 2015 for the public although the start-up was founded in December 2014. This will be available for airlines departing from selected geographic markets and will be available on a large-scale basis once it has been established very well.
How did you arrive at this idea?
“During a brainstorming session while flying with my family on flights from Florida to California in November 2014, it occurred to me that there was such a variety of passengers (sizes, business vs. leisure, ages, etc.) who were flying in economy. Moreover, it occurred to me that, once a flight was sold out, a ticketed passenger had no efficient option to change his or her seat. Lastly, for airlines without assigned seating, such as Southwest, late booking or boarding passengers were often stuck in uncomfortable middle seats.” Brad Pursel

For Brad, however, it was very important to identify and attract the right subject matter experts for fields such as technical, branding, legal, and so on. Experts play a very important role in start-ups as they would have certain expertise and methods of getting the job done in a professional manner which would help the company in many ways, they would also have a lot of experience and can also give necessary advice that would help one out.
Seateroo most importantly solves two problems. Firstly, every airline has a limited inventory of preferred seats on any flight, the most common preferred seat categories are such as seats with expanded legroom, window or aisle seats, seats in the front or any particular other seat on the plane, and seats near their family members or friends. By using the Seateroo app you have access to a preferred seat of your choice. Secondly, passengers have limited on-demand options to change their seats after boarding the plane, let’s say you prefer to sleep during the entire duration of the flight but you have a middle seat or you are seated next to a crying baby, this would make sure that you don’t get any sleep at all as it would be very uncomfortable for you. Now you can change this and not have to experience all these unwanted disturbances by using the Seateroo app which provides you with an option for on-demand seat changes to make your in-flight experience a much better one. With the help of Seateroo, it not only provides a better experience for the passengers but at the same time, the flight attendants will have more time to assist passengers with other needs.
“Air passengers spend hours in a cramped metal tube traveling at flight altitudes of over 30,000 feet. For most, this experience offers a severe departure from the freedom and flexibility enjoyed elsewhere. I believe that Seateroo can significantly enhance the air travel experience for passengers by expanding their ability to access a preferred seat.” – Brad Pursel
As of now, Seateroo doesn’t have any competitors although two start-ups have announced that they would start a similar service but have failed to launch so till now. In the future airlines may come up with the option of seat swapping for the passengers but airlines are typically slow when it comes to launching of new products. But with apps like Seateroo, the service is available across all airlines and not just fixed to one particular airline. The main target audience for them would be the frequent fliers and technology enthusiasts are likely the early adopters of this service.
Like many sharing economy companies, Seateroo will charge a service fee as a percentage of the price paid for a seat swap. Seateroo users will determine the price paid for a seat swap. Seateroo is offering the readers of this article a code for seat swap and waives the service fee on the first transaction. Once you download the app, just use the code DOPE15 to avail this offer.
Seataroo is now defunct or has significantly changed since the article was published.
The article is now considered archived and will be moved to our archives in 2024.
Link to archive: https://medium.com/startup-dope-magazine