Get ‘Call Levels’ For Simple Market Alerts!

The bulls, bears, lame ducks, call, spread, hedge, derivatives and numerous such jargon make up the cut-throat and brutal financial market. Yes there is no denying that stock market is complex but it doesn’t mean that there is no way to simplify information.

Further, those trading in the stock market need to stay up-to-date with all the latest financial news, as the risk of losing out on resources are huge. However, finding and keeping track of this vast information can get tedious and confusing.

To address all these issues, there is a new mobile app in town called Call Levels. This is a simple, independent and reliable tool to track your financial assets. The automatic notification feature frees you from the time-consuming market analysis tasks and allows you to focus on your everyday life.

Call Levels Simple Market Alert Tool

Meet the Masterminds Behind It All!

Call Levels Pte. Ltd is the proud start-up of Daniel Chia and Cynthia Siantar.

Daniel was a professional investment manager for the last 10 years with a lifelong interest in portfolio management. He was a key member of the FX, Commodities and Rates Trading Team at GIC, and was a Portfolio Manager at Asia’s largest systematic macro hedge fund. He has always been interested in finance, first from a mathematical perspective (he was a math major in Cambridge University and earned his Masters in Mathematics and Statistics from Harvard University), and later from a behavioral perspective.

Cynthia, on the other hand, graduated with a Master of Science at Stanford University, majoring in Financial Mathematics in the Department of Statistics. Prior to Call Levels, she has accumulated a wealth of experiences from both the sell-side and buy-side. She started as an Investment Consulting Analyst in Mercer, where she advised clients on investment issues, researched and reviewed fund managers’ investment strategies and performances in equities and fixed income. Thereafter, she joined the Equity Capital Markets (Southeast Asia) team at HSBC, both in Hong Kong and Singapore, where she played a big role in originating and executing ECM transactions in the region.

They both happen to be seasoned analysts of the financial market. What works to their advantage is their knowledge about the financial world and how it works. The added bonus is that they even understand the psyche of traders. This fruit of wisdom is what helped them conceptualize a mobile app that is simple yet exceptional.

Know More About The Start-up

Call Levels Pte. Ltd is a tech start-up that was founded in 2014. In its very first month of inception, the company went on to raise USD 100k in angel investment funding from veteran finance professionals. One of their prime angel investors is Timothy Teo who was the former Director in charge of Forex, Commodities and Short Term Rates in GIC that also happens to be one of the world’s biggest sovereign wealth funds.

The team built the mobile app, Call Levels. It is a simple mobile-based market alert application that allows users to track and set alerts for forex, commodities, stocks* and indices* of their choosing. It also provides snapshots for quick market analysis based on the customized alerts tracked by users.

Call Levels is in a league of its own as most other finance apps in the market that provide similar alert features are too complex to understand and too difficult to use. Also, the constant flashing of numbers on the screen can boggle the users.  These apps typically assume the user to have some financial background and there is often little or no emphasis on user experience. Contrary to this, Call Levels buries all the technical complexity under an elegant and intuitive user interface thus making it useful for veteran financial experts and novices alike.

What Inspired It All?

“We are very aware that to create a successful app, it must be able to perform ONE THING well and solve a fundamental problem that is very relevant to the masses. And given both our backgrounds, we understand that whoever are interested in the markets (from traders, long-term investors to the man on the street who’s invested in one asset) all need the same thing – A reliable tool to alert them when the price of the asset reaches the pre-determined level.

At the same time, we want to enable users to inform others whenever the call level hits. This is why we have integrated social features that allow users to add others into their cc list to be kept in the loop”, says the team.

On Challenges Faced & Competitors

Like most start-ups, hiring the right talent with the right start-up mentality seems to be their constant challenge. The team is still on a lookout for talented individuals to join their team and create this great product with them.

Further, Call Levels is free of any direct competitors as the app provides you with real time alert notification on current market prices in the simplest fashion. Their indirect competitors can include other financial apps like Yahoo! Finance, Bloomberg, Stock & Forex Tracker, StockTwits, Trade Hero and StockPickr. However, these apps have different areas of focus.

On Plans of Expansion, Targeted Audience & More

The team rightfully believes that Call Levels is scalable on a global basis especially after they introduce new asset classes, add customized market snapshots and implement better social features.

As for their target audience, anyone from seasoned investors, big market players to novice alike can use Call Levels. It is a highly reliable tool as per professional standards and is built on a simple and elegant user interface that is appealing to the general users.

On Plans of Monetizing The App

“We have identified many interesting ways to monetize the app but we prefer not to disclose our plans right now. We are very focused on continuously improving the app to keep our existing users happy and to grow our user base at a fast pace. We are already speaking to VCs and hedge funds right now who have expressed interest”, says the team.

Call Levels in now available for free downloads on iOS devices from the Apple iTunes Store.

Oh wait! We have some good news for you fellows. Before the actual Android version of the app is out, the team of Call Levels is offering exclusive Beta Invites to our readers. To get your hands on the invite do make it a point to keep in touch!

You can also, know more about Call Levels by simply click here:

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