Connect With People & Businesses With Pximity!

Wouldn’t it be convenient to connect with people in just a few clicks? Exchanging business cards and long professional information are so passe. You can now get rid of all these cliches for good with Pximity (pronounced proximity). This awesome mobile app is new on the block and is quickly beginning to gain popularity. With its help, you can search for people and new businesses near them in real time.

Pximity allows you to go from invisible to visible. Remember that everyone around you is looking to connect, all you got to know is how.

Meet the Masterminds Behind It All!

Pximity was co-founded by Brandon Cooper and Bryan Chatman. Both are entrepreneurs from Detroit, MI and have been friends since age 5. When the duo was around 7, that’s when they caught the invention bug and have been coming up with many innovative ideas ever since.

The name of their parent company is WDITT which stands for “Why Didn’t I Think of That”. This company is a perfect representation of their innovative nature and their zest for coming up with new and interesting ideas.

Brandon’s background is IT and went to Michigan State University while Bryan’s background is engineering and went to Florida State University/FAMU. Together, they have make a dynamic team that has all the right elements to achieve success and popularity.

Know More About Pximity!

This interesting app allows you to connect with people and businesses nearby via your mobile device in real-time. Connect with students, business professionals, and discover performers all within the location on your device. No more using business cards and long information exchanges.

With this app, you can even consolidate your social networks, email, biography and contact information. You are in control of what is visible and what is non-discoverable by other users. Also, with Pximity you can search for businesses nearby and use instant deals when in the vicinity of an establishment.

“Our app is here to get rid of long exchanges of information when meeting new people. For example, asking what is your email, what is your twitter, what is your Facebook, etc. Now with Pximity, you can search, click on their profile and add them to your directory and boom! Most presenters and performers scream to the crowd their information, but we have fixed this problem to where they can follow and connect right from their seat”, says the duo.

What Inspired It All?

It all began in a bar when Bryan was talking to Brandon about connecting people more on a dating level. On further ideation they eventually arrived at the point of networking and search. This pinch of information is what gave Brandon the right push to work on his additions and architecture of the app.

meet people pximity

On Challenges Faced & Competitors

Like in most start-ups getting visibly noticed among users and getting articles to feature them was their greatest challenge. In terms of competitors, Pximity has none that are direct. Tinder, Facebook Nearby Friends, Swarm and Mingle do pose as indirect competitors. However, all of these apps are trying to connect people with each other in different ways but not in the way as Pximity.

On Target Audience, Expansion Plan and More

This app is mainly targeted at students, business professionals, artists, presenters, and comedians and people in general who like to meet and connect with new people.

The team’s vision is to expand and make its presence felt in over 20 countries. They are aiming at having a growth rate that eventually will get them over 500 million users within the next 4 years.

How to they plan on monetizing it? “Our monetization will come from Advertisers (McDonalds, Starbucks, Macy’s, Home Depot, Public, etc.) They will pay yearly for advertising their coupons with our location based deals”, says the team.

To understand more about Pximity do make it a point to checkout their kick-ass commercial by clicking on the following link:

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