DashHaul: Find Trucking Companies In Just Few Clicks

Technology is available to us almost everywhere. Somehow, the full truck load shipping industry seems to have completely evaded it. The redundant process of booking a carrier for transporting your shipment has remained unchanged for the past 25 years.

Presently, the only way of finding qualified carriers to move your shipment is through brokers, load boards or extensive personal research. Unfortunately all these methods are highly stressful and extremely time-consuming. Also, the endless phone calls, emails, quote reviews, negotiations and piles of paperwork further makes the process far more tedious without any guarantee that the carrier will except your offer.

Well, fortunately, there is a new web based app in town called DashHaul that will make your life way easier. This is your shipping platform that gives you access to a network of qualified carriers and offers you rates in real time. With this awesome app, the process of finding the right carrier is complete in just a few clicks.

Full truckload carrier DashHaul

Meet the Men That Run The Show!

DashHaul is a proud start-up of Mike Schreiber and Brian LeVert. Together they co-founded the company and conceptualized the idea.

Mike graduated from Roosevelt University in Chicago, IL and has worked in logistics for over 10 years. He handled the shipping, receiving and logistics for his family’s company from 2004-2008 and then when on to work for a top 100 logistics firm in Chicago. He had his first brush with entrepreneurship in 2012 when he started his own 3rd party logistics company called Lane Source.

Brian LeVert graduated from University of Oregon and then went on to graduate from Loyola School of Law. In 2012, Brian helped Mike launch and run their 3rd party brokerage company. After about a year of operations, the two developed DashHaul and launched the shipping platform in 2014.

The duo has a great understanding on how logistics industry works. It is their experience in the field that lead then to identify that something needs to be done to connect the fragmented trucking market. With their start-up they are bridging this very gap by creating a platform for shipping companies to book trucks and find freight in just a few minutes.

Know More About DashHaul!

It is a web based app that connects shipping companies to an open network of location based trucking companies. The technology automates the entire full truckload shipping process online and allows users to book, manage and track carriers from the DashHaul platform.

“We are trying to do what Priceline did for the travel industry and what esurance did for the insurance industry. And what they did is they streamlined and simplified the booking and transaction process for a service by bringing it online”, adds the team.

DashHaul is the solution to all the problems shipping companies where facing in successfully finding the right trucking companies to transport their shipment. With this app you no longer have to put up with high transportation cost, and manual and laborious shipping process.

What Inspired It All?

“After starting Lane Source, our 3rd party logistics company, we quickly noticed that many problems existed in the full truckload shipping process. The process was old, stagnant and time consuming and hadn’t changed much over decades. It not only wasted time for all parties involved, it also raised costs for everyone involved. We talked frequently about how we wished certain operations were handled differently and couldn’t understand why the trucking industry didn’t have more technology available to it for use. So we started putting our ideas down on paper and before we knew it, the idea of DashHaul consumed us. We drew up specs for the system and crafted a business plan and decided to work on DashHaul full time”, says the team.

Shipping Trucking companies DashHaul

On Hurdles Faced & Competitors

Like most start-ups, pumping in enough money to turn their idea into a functioning product was their initial hurdle. However, their challenges magnified when they tried to introduce it to the intended industry that has been slower than most other industries to accept and adapt to new technology and processes.

When it comes to competitions, 3rd party brokerages and load boards are their main competitors. However, both handle shipping process the same way that includes hundreds of phone calls, emails, negotiation and paperwork. DashHaul has an upper hand as all of this is automated online thus saving shipping companies time and money.

On Target Audience, Expansion Plans and More

DashHaul is mainly targeting two types of audience. First up are the shipping companies that ship products and need full truckload carrier to haul their freight. Next are the trucking companies that need full truckload shipments to haul to keep their business moving and profitable.

“We plan to gradually expand from region to region over the next 6-12 months. We want to perfect the process on a small scale and use that experience and feedback as a playbook for other regions”, says the team.

At the moment the start-up is monetizing by charging a nominal transaction fees on each successful deal.

To sum it all up, DashHaul is the easiest way to book carriers in your present location to move your shipment. To get things done in a jiffy, all you need to do is sign up, look for carriers by truck type and location, select carrier from your list to receive rates instantly, schedule the carrier and make the payment. It is their guarantee that the entire process will not take you more than a couple of minutes.

With DashHaul you will never have to fail on another shipment again. Sign up with them today to simplify your shipping process.

To know more about this awesome web app, do visit

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