Keep track of all your user handles with Usercard

Usernames have become a fragmented experience – there is no system to them, they aren’t universal. We have so many identities attached to our single real-world person (or company, campaign, et cetera) that we’re having to wrangle them in autonomous ways, which easily cause fake accounts and missed engagements. Online identity should be a secure experience that promotes authentic social connections.  Usercard is about social network usernames. It’s a place where anyone with multiple handles can safely share everywhere they are online, and in turn, discover the total presences of other users. Usercard will initially be a share tool where users create their “cards” containing all their usernames. Eventually, it will also be a beautiful directory of these cards. Think of a sort of Google/Yellow Pages for usernames. For nearly three years now, founder Gaby Román has been growing tired of the collection of share icons and blocks of links on ads, email signatures, inside profile bios, et cetera. She thinks that the organization of how we share and discover our online profiles is messy, and wanted to create a reliable resource that any user can go to every time they want to verify a user’s official account or update theirs in a uniform way. Gaby wants sharing our online identities to be a familiar experience rather than a skeptical maze of verifications.

Gaby Román is a 27-year-old lady in tech. Her background is in video editing, which she did professionally for five years in Nashville and three in New York. She currently lives in NYC and has always worked with digital media in some capacity – whether as a content creator or production educator. Gaby’s passion for technology has always focused on efficiency, and as a power user of many online tools, Usercard was created to fill an organizational hole in the username system. Gaby thinks that finances will always be at the forefront of her “hurdles” list. She personally invested in the MVP that is currently live as well as a UI/UX design for later iterations, but funding is something she’ll need more of and will have to work hard for. Everything else is a pleasure to do; Gaby wants Usercard to exist, and wants it to work well, so she’ll do whatever it takes.

Usercard is competing with system-less methods of username discovery, search, and sharing – social network users currently utilize multiple links, icons, and conduct searches on Google or within the individual networks themselves. Usercard is streamlining these methods into a more reliable experience that will ensure authentic results and a trusted avenue for displaying total online presence. Ultimately, Usercard will be a beautifully designed directory of cards. A few incredible features include “sub-cards” that will allow users to link related Usercards for ultimate organization or enterprise visibility; users will be able to bookmark each other to always know when a friend or brand has added a new profile; and mobile apps are certainly on the timeline. Usercard plans to be a complete resource for our online identities. are on those networks. Usercard is for the loyal sports fan who likes to follow his teams’ social activity just as much as it is for a global non-profit organization distributing their mission statement across all platforms. Once Usercard has a large enough user database to go live as a directory, a few revenue options will be available. Premium accounts with extra features, featured cards, subscription plans, and even printed Usercards are being looked at.

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