Never miss a form conversion again with Inflowlive

The biggest problem in working with customers is that they almost never complete briefs or specification documents completely. So much time and energy gets wasted on account managing a client that did not provide files, or budgets, or website copy for example. In fact, 97% of forms on the internet are never completed, half done or totally forgotten. With Inflowlive, you can create aesthetically beautiful forms that can be embedded into your website or you can invite someone to its unique URL. The magic happens in the email automation that can be easily managed through an intuitive UI and email builder. The Inflowlive app sends reminder emails to clients to complete the form fields or to submit a form. This takes away heaps of messing around and account management when managing small and large web projects or million dollar budget adword accounts – and the timings are set by the user.

Phillip Parisis
Phillip Parisis

Phillip Parisis has 15 years of digital strategy experience working with some of the largest online retailers in Australia, as well as founding a hosting company in 1999 which sold to the 3rd largest SME hosting provider in Australia at the time, and has experience in digital, growth hacking and SEM. He is also a speaker for a government program that talks to audiences of over 100 people a month about digital and innovations (known as the Digital Enterprise Program).

Angus Foggo
Angus Foggo

His co-founder Angus Foggo has more than ten years of experience in design, digital, and web industries; he’s worked with clients across a broad range of sectors from global companies to start-ups. Angus is a creative director and specializes in UX, and he has worked with some of the top agencies in Australia. The biggest hurdle in creating Inflowlive was finding a development team lead that could manage the conception of an idea and lead it into a minimal viable product and then into beta. The founders went through a lot of money, heartache and pain until they improved they processes to quickly develop better agile practices for the development team.


Inflowlive competes with other form builders that are established – but they only have the form builder elements and none of the automation and email builder capabilities. Inflowlive targets developers, designers, and anyone with a small to medium business that needs rapid client feedback through forms, without the mess of project management systems. Inflowlive has government departments and large fintech companies doing internal testing with their product, so the plans to hit multiple corporate verticals are there. But their hearts are set on the freelancer and small agency markets as the founders know how hard it is to onboard clients, and of course convert people from their website into a lead. Also, the digital marketing space has shown interest in Inflowlive as an optimization tool for landing page conversion rates, where it works like an abandon cart, but for forms.  The developers want to charge agencies who use the service for their customers landing pages, and they also have a pricing structure being developed for government and corporate sectors – which is why Inflowlive is trialing them, in order to ascertain how much resources they take up, and thus know how to charge them accordingly to generate profits. But Inflowlive will always be free for users with only one form – those who send under 100 emails and use less than 2GB of space

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