10 Indian Startups To Watch For in 2015!

Welcome to 2015 fellas! We are sure that you ushered in this year with some really high spirits and we truly hope that this excitement continues for the next 12 months and more.

As 2014, made way for the New Year, it also gave us some really amazing start-ups in India to write about. Trust us the companies we are about to list are success stories in themselves and have the potential to radically change the way we perceive certain businesses and services.

Drum Rolls!! Here’s presenting to you 10 Indian start-ups to watch out for in 2015.

1. AdPushUp

Co-founders: Atul Agarwal, Ankit Oberoi

Founded: 2013

If you are a blogger or publisher, listen carefully, AdPushup gives you the perfect ad revenue optimization tool to make more money from your existing website traffic. The primary objective of this start-up is to fight banner blindness and monetize impressions lost to ad blocking software. It does this by using advanced A/B testing to compare between different ad variations like different sizes and placements.


2. Termsheet

Founder: Vivek Durai

Founded: 2013

This start-up is here to simplify the early stages of fund raising and investing. It offers a kick-ass online platform that connects founders and angel investors thus making execution of seed funding round quick and easy. TermSheet is a blessing in disguise for start-ups. With this founders no longer have to run after multiple angel investors and spend considerable amount of time and effort in giving valuation and termsheets.

That’s not all, it also allows angel investors to join a round and review confidential information about the company. This helps them determine better whether they wish to participate in the round or not. Termsheet is about to be India’s first ever Angel List.



Co-Founders: Neha SinghAbhishek Goyal

Founded: 2013

Tracxn is here to help Venture Capitalists and private companies find potential and promising start-ups to invest in. This company has an impressive database of over 10 million companies. Out of this more than 100,000 are India based ventures. Globally, tracking over 50 sectors, Tracxn allows companies to search for startups by incubator, investor, city and other similar filters.


4. AppKnox

Co-Founders: Harshit Agarwal, Subho Halder, Prateek Panda

Founded: 2014

Appknox offers brand owners and app developers the much needed protection to their online products. This start-up has introduced a security audit-tool for both source code and app binary file analysis. Appknox in regular intervals performs security audits on their customers’ apps. If any vulnerabilities are detected the customer is alerted immediately.

With this app, users no longer have to worry about security lapses like leaking of sensitive user datails, banking and payment details.


5. Zify

Founder: Anurag Singh Rathor

Founded: 2014

Most often we want to car-pool between destinations but we do not know where and how to go about it. Well Zify solves this very problem. This start-up has given us an awesome online platform that enables car-owners and passengers to connect. Users of this site can ask or offer for ride sharing in real time. Zify also allows users to pre-plan their weekly schedule.

Presently available only in Hyderabad, this company has already gained popularity among techies who travel long distances to work. Charged at Rs. 5/km, the rates are extremely competitive and lower than what 3-wheeler Auto’s charge.


6. Confirm Tkt.com

Co-Founders: Dinesh Kumar & Sripad Vaidya

Founded: 2012

You have better chances of winning the lottery than predicting if you would get a confirmed ticket on an Indian train. ConfirmTKT.com is India’s No.1 train PNR predictor. The start-up is backed with a unique and efficient algorithm that makes it possible for it to predict your PNR’s in seconds. Predictions are based on strong historical trends. That’s not all; Confirm Tlt.com also aids you in deciding whether to book or not on a train that is in waitlist.


7. Betaout

Co-Founders: Arjun Maheshwari, Ankit Maheshwari

Founded: 2013

Betaout is your one stop portal for all your marketing needs. This start-up gives clients an all-inclusive Ecommerce Marketing Software that includes numerous services like email marketing, shopping cart abandonment, actionable analytics, etc. Betaout clubs Behavioral Data and User Segmentation in its Marketing Personalization Software which gives databases with user’s actions and profile data.


8. Gigstart

Co-Founders: Atit Jain, Madhulika Pandey

Founded: 2013

Gigstart is here to finally give users a platform to find and book various kinds of artists like musicians, singers, photographers, etc. for events and gigs. This start-up has given an ecommerce website for artists. It clearly lists details of them and the users can select based on their needs and requirements.

With Gigstart everyone is in a win-win situation. For artists it’s a great place to get noticed as this platform significantly increases their visibility. On the other hand, for users, event management companies and various other, this portal is a great time-saving and less hectic way to hire talents. It further, manages the entire process from providing various options to connecting them to contract formalities and payment gateway.


9. Maid

Co-Founders:  Sabarish Prakash, Arjun Sarath, Biniyas Valiyaveettil

Founded: January 2011

Maid is a unique app that brings crowd-sourced recipes straight to your kitchen. This start-up allows its users to search for recipes based on various filters like ingredients, type and general recommendations. Maid is connected to a recipe store via internet where chefs from around the world can upload recipes.

Maid also enables users to watch cookery shows from the Recipe Store. This start-up has also introduced a health and wellness feature into their product that allows users to keep a watch on their eating habits and calorie intake. In other words, apart from just being your cookery guide, it also acts as your personal dietitian.


10. VioletStreet

Co-Founders: Ankur Gupta, Nayan Kumar

Founded: 2013

We all love shopping, don’t we! Well VioletStreet is here to redefine the way you shop online forever. This Hyderabad based start-up is an online fashion store that offers shopaholics products from all the stores along with fashion feeds from their friends. You can also create a look using VioletStreet by simply dragging and dropping. This makes the process of taking feedback before buying from friends extremely easy.

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