, build your mobile app without knowing how to code

It could be extremely tiresome to get a mobile app coded and deployed, especially when you are running a small business. Chances are that a developer could be charging you well over 100% more than what the actual cost is, and the delay in delivery. I’m sure most of us would’ve dealt with it. Alexander F. Groebli of Salenture LLC, a Zurich based IT company, felt that businesses should effortlessly go mobile, without any hassle, or even without a line of coding and without spending a hefty sum for it. Hence, was founded. was publicly launched this month. is completely operated from Zürich (Switzerland), also known as Europe’s Silicon Valley.

What are they trying to solve?

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The makers of realised that people are consuming web content mostly through mobile devices. A majority of companies aren’t catering to this growing audience segment. Primarily due to the fact that they aren’t aware of this or it is too expensive to convert or create a mobile website or app. Here’s an important fact, Google has made it mandatory for website to be mobile friendly, and their ranking algorithms take that as a factor to either rank your website prominently or hide it away from their results. provides an easy to use platform, so companies and individuals can use it to create mobile-friendly sites with the look and feel of a mobile app. A user can even add functionalities such as couponing, shopping carts, to feed integration to their site, easily by just dragging and dropping elements in the platform builder.

“As we are not new in setting up new services, we aren’t confronted with the usual challenges like technical issues or putting the right team together, the real challenge still lay ahead, which is to market and successfully set up our service and gaining users – you can plan it, but it’s always a bit of a surprise factor it really works out – but after all, that’s the best part in launching something new”, says  Alexander.

Alexander says while they aren’t the first company to offer the service; their product is more user-friendly that their competitors like or aims to be a service which makes it possible for anyone to turn the mobile site that they created with the platform into an Android, iOS or Windows Phone Application.

“ will not only be a service where you create your mobile site, but a service you can create true mobile apps that can be offered in app stores just like other mobile apps.”, added Alexander.

Their target user groups are anyone who needs a professional looking mobile website without the involvement of an agency and a large budget. It could be any individual, to event organisers, small restaurants, shop owners offering coupons to boost customer loyalty. Currently, they are offering more than 20 modules to create a mobile site that cover almost any usage.

They are currently offering a free plan and a couple of paid plans. They plan to charge an extra fee for future features such as converting your mobile site into a mobile app.

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