Digital marketing is a must to many of the companies as it is the best way to promote your product or your brand via the digital media. Minutemailer is an easy to use all-in-one tool for small businesses where you can work with emails/newsletters, social media, you can also create your content and post it or send it or just schedule it to be posted. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing, in that it involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyse marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.
Oskar Glauser started this venture in September 2014 in Sweden and has a strong background in design and marketing. He knows the traditional and digital style of marketing and knows what’s best needed for the both. His work also included that of graphic design and product development, having a strong foundation in these subjects is a huge advantage for him. There are three others in his team who are helping him out with Minutemailer, Tobias Bleckert is the CTO while Carlos Arias is a developer and Richard Prime takes care of the marketing.

How did you arrive at this idea?
Because as a freelancer myself I thought the alternatives were too time consuming and had too many features. I wanted something simpler where I could get a good overview and handle all the digital content marketing in one spot. This is why I decided to start Minutemailer so that it would help anyone who is interested in digital marketing. – Oskar Glauser
The problem the small businesses face these days is that due to lack of budget they cannot afford many people and skilled laborers all the time. They sometimes don’t have the technical or the design skills necessary, but by using Minutemailer one can easily perform these tasks easily and it does not take much of your time either.
“An hour or two a week with Minutemailer and you can be competing with those big beasts of industry, creating the kinds of marketing activities that have been proven to generate results.” Oskar Glauser
Their main competitors as of now are other marketing services like Mailchimp which is for emails and Buffer which is purely for social media only. There aren’t any alternatives if you want to combine multiple channels on one single platform like the Minutemailer. They have recently come out with the beta version and launched the website in English and have almost 4000 users so far and are slowly growing. In the future they would localize the service into many more languages as well.
They would have special offers for their users coming up very soon. For further details Minutemailer, visit them on