There was a time when we had salesperson coming to our door step to sell products of various types but that era is long gone, welcome to the digital era and sales is pretty much a very important team in any company. Pipeline is an online web platform that connects the technology companies with open sales positions, meaning now you have a better chance of getting yourself into the sales teams of the top companies.
Sean McGuigan is a 36 year old from Philadelphia and has been in the sales division from the year 2003. He began his sales career in a local newspaper selling print advertising and in the year 2006 he moved to his next job where he was in the digital marketing team and worked there for almost a decade. This transition from the traditional to the digital world has taught him a lot and hence he has come forward with this venture called Pipeline to help out others as well.
So what does Pipeline do? Well, it is very straightforward. Pipeline connects sales talent experienced in selling technology products and services with those of the technology companies looking to hire sales talent. Now this could be in the form of a very well-established company or just a start-up. This is a win-win situation for both the company looking to hire and for those people who are looking for a job, the company would post a brief description about the job and some history of the company so that the people looking forward to join their company would have a good idea about what they are expected to do.

How did you arrive at this idea?
“I found the need for this type of service simply by being in the field. Every day I was speaking with companies and advising them. The demand became clear the more I would have conversations with companies as to their needs. Also, being in the digital marketing space I was always attending events and trade shows discovering new technology companies. It was being in the trenches as sales professional that allowed me to realize the need.” Sean McGuigan
There are two important phases that got Pipeline off the ground; the first part was the research where the target audience was determined followed by some demo for few where their feedback would have been taken into consideration while the second was that of constant trial and error method to find out what was the best way to go about this idea.
The transition from the traditional to the modern has been a little difficult because of the advancement in technology. One has to recognise the different set of skills required for the digital era like that of the terminology, sales tools, processes and lead generations as well. Pipeline is currently based in two cities, New York and San Francisco.
There are no real competitors for Pipeline although there is who focuses mainly on the IT professionals and only recently they have opened up a section for the sales as well.
“We are currently focused on growing our candidate base as well as company base. We see the potential as unlimited due to the demand for technology and competent sales talent continues to grow. We recently launched so we are currently focused in New York City and San Francisco, with plans to expand across the US.” – Sean McGuigan
For more details on Pipeline, visit them on