A new job is always exciting, but, do you really know what you’re signing up for? Most of the people I know have gotten into jobs that they thought was something and ended up doing something else. It always saves you a lot of trouble, if you ask questions at the right time and at the right place. Job interview is one such place, no I’m not talking about the employer. I’m talking about you, the potential employee. Here are some questions I asked to my employers in my earlier jobs:
Are my skills and work experience relevant to your position?
You need to ask this question to find out whether you can truly resonate with your job. If you are applying for the position of a Content Strategist, then find out the exact topics or subjects you will be asked to write about. If you are a Fashion Content Writer, then you may not fit into a technology company although it’s the same role of a Content Strategist.

What is the general atmosphere and work culture in your company?
This question is important because you need to figure out whether you will fit into the company. If you don’t like too many rules, regulations, fences and boundaries, if you don’t like showing up for work in a tie and a suit, then you need to make sure whether such rules and regulations matter to the company you have applied for. Maybe you are more of a jeans and T-shirt person who likes flexible work timings. You need to find out as much as you can about the work culture of the company you have applied for.
Does your company provide cab/transport facilities for its employees?
This question is particularly important if you happen to live far from your company’s location. If you have to travel a long distance every day, then you might consider using the company transportation facilities if they provide them.
What is the team size and who are my colleagues?
You need to know how you will fit into the team, what your role within the team is and who your future colleagues will be. A smooth initiation into the team is very much desirable and you should have your work cut out for you.
Are there any additional skills or knowledge that I require to perform this job well?
Find out what skills you need to ace the job. Sign up for short-term courses so that you can upgrade your skills and ability. When you start working for your company you will be able to hit the road running.
How is my performance evaluated?
Find out what metrics they use to evaluate your performance. Does your company want superior quality of work or meeting deadlines is more important for them? Or maybe it’s both quality and measure of work? Maybe they want you to develop good and friendly working relationships with your teammates and be a people person? Will your performance be evaluated based on the feedback provide by all the team members or is it just the Team Leader who will evaluate your performance? You need to find out what their standard is so that you pass these tests with flying colours.
Is it a 5 day working week or a 6 day one?
This question is important if you have applied for a start-up, where procedures aren’t still very clear and there is definite structure that people are sticking to. Some companies require you to work for six days a week in order to get the work done. So ask your interviewer about this so that you can brace yourself for a six-day working week.
What is the best thing you like about this company?
Ask your employer about what he/she likes about the company they have been working for. Since they have worked at the company for some time now, they will be able to answer this question well. This question will give you a sneak-peek into the company and the way the employer perceives the company he is working for.
Will I get to learn the latest cutting-edge and state-of-the-art technologies at your company?
This question is very important because, if you are not working with the latest technologies, it may not add much value to your resume. You don’t want to spend time doing something that is not relevant to the current trends in your field of work.
Will I get to contribute towards the welfare of the society during my career at your company?
This is a great last question to ask. It shows the employer that you have causes beyond the self and want to make a positive difference to the society. Find out whether the company has any CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives like poverty elimination, tree-planting drives, philanthropy and other charitable causes.